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Lera Lynn

Folk music
Country music
Alternative country
Lera Lynn was born in Texas and raised in Athens, Georgia, where she got her start in the band Birds and Wire, and soon decided to strike out on her own. In 2011, she managed to record her debut album, Have You Met Lera Lynn? which was released the following year and features songs such as "Whiskey" and "Bobby, Baby", inspired by her father's alcoholism, which took its toll on the young University of Georgia student in her early twenties. She then moved to Nashville, temple of country music, to get closer to the world she aspired to. Struggling to find a label to support her, in ...
My Least Favorite Life
My Least Favorite Life 

from "True Detective"

Lera Lynn

True Detective [Série TV]


The Only Thing Worth Fighting For
The Only Thing Worth Fighting ForLera Lynn

The Only Thing Worth Fighting For


Tell Me
Tell MeLera Lynn

It Only Takes One Shot
It Only Takes One ShotLera Lynn


La  Di Da
La Di DaLera Lynn

The Avenues


ImageLera Lynn

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