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(Li Xiao Yun)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Chinese-born Australian singer Li Xiaoyu (also known as Michelle Li), was born on March 16, 1987, in Lanzhou, Gansu, China, relocating to Melbourne, Australia with her mother when she was 15 years old. Inheriting her love of music from her father, Li grew up listening to Leehom Wang and Jay Chow and teaching herself the piano and the guitar. In 2006, she was accepted into the University of Melbourne but took a break to return home and care for her father who had become seriously ill. It was during this period that she wrote the song "爸爸给的坚强 (Dad's Strength)”, which she performed ...
房间1501 (Fang Jian1501)
房间1501 (Fang Jian1501)李霄云 (Li Xiao Yun)

私游 (Si You)
私游 (Si You)李霄云 (Li Xiao Yun)

字词句 (Zi Ci Ju)
字词句 (Zi Ci Ju)李霄云 (Li Xiao Yun)

爸爸给的坚强 (Ba Ba Gei De Jian Qiang)
爸爸给的坚强 (Ba Ba Gei De Jian Qiang)李霄云 (Li Xiao Yun)

习惯 (Xi Guan)
习惯 (Xi Guan)李霄云 (Li Xiao Yun)

口袋里的练习曲 (Bonus Track) (Kou Dai Li De Lian Xi Qu (Bonus Track))
口袋里的练习曲 (Bonus Track) (Kou Dai Li De Lian Xi Qu (Bonus Track))李霄云 (Li Xiao Yun)

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