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Lil Tracy

Rap music
Lil Tracy - formerly known as Yung Bruh - was born in Teaneck, New Jersey, but moved to Virginia Beach at a young age. As a teenager, Jazz Butler, as he is known by his real name, was already very interested in music, including punk, emo and witch house, as well as unorthodox rap. The cloud rapper established himself under the name Yung Bruh and released his first two mixtapes in 2013. Over the next few years, his output increases as he joins the Thraxxhouse crew in L.A. and starts recording music as a member of Gothboiclique. Butler leaves Thraxxhouse and changes his stage name ...
Awful Things
Awful ThingsLil Peep and Lil Tracy

Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 1


White Tee
White TeeLil Peep and Lil Tracy

Everybody's Everything


The Song They Played (When I Crashed Into the Wall)
The Song They Played (When I Crashed Into the Wall)Lil Peep and Lil Tracy



CobainLil Peep and Lil Tracy

Everybody's Everything


giving girls cocaine
giving girls cocaineLil Peep and Lil Tracy

giving girls cocaine - Single


witchbladesLil Peep and Lil Tracy

Everybody's Everything
