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Lilly Wood & The Prick

Rock music
Folk music
Pop rock
First making one another’s acquaintance in a Parisien café, Tel Aviv-born singer-songwriter Nili Hadida and French guitarist Benjamin Cotto soon struck up a strong rapport, and by 2006, they had formed the English-language folk-pop outfit Lilly Wood & The Prick. Sharing demos via MySpace during their formative years, they soon inspired the confidence of local indie label Choke Industry, with whom they released a debut EP entitled Lilly Who and the What? in 2009 before signing a joint deal with Wagram subsidiary Cinq7. The pair’s debut album, Invincible Friends, arrived in the spr...
Prayer In C
Prayer In C 

Robin Schulz Radio Edit

Lilly Wood & The Prick and Robin Schulz



Prayer in C
Prayer in CLilly Wood & The Prick

Invincible Friends


Prayer In C
Prayer In CLilly Wood & The Prick and Robin Schulz

Prayer In C

L.E.S. Artistes
L.E.S. ArtistesLilly Wood & The Prick and The Pricks

Invincible Friends


Prayer In C
Prayer In C 

Robin Schulz Remix

Lilly Wood & The Prick and Robin Schulz

Extended Prayer


You Want My Money
You Want My MoneyLilly Wood & The Prick

Most Anything


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