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Lisa Gerrard

Rock music
Ambient music
Electronic music
Lisa Gerrard is an Australian singer and composer of new age pop music who has performed and recorded with the group Dead Can Dance and collaborated on film scores with composers including Hans Zimmer, Marcello De Francisci, Jeff Rona and James Orr. Born in Melbourne, she played in local bands and from 1981 she sang with Dead Can Dance. They released several recordings but disbanded in 1998 although they have reunited for two other albums and tours over the years. Gerard made her solo recording debut in 1995 with the album 'The Mirror Pool' and in 1998 she joined Australian ke...
Now We Are Free
Now We Are FreeHans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard, Klaus Badelt and Tamara Teirbrood

Now We Are Free
Now We Are FreeHans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard, Gavin Greenaway, Klaus Badelt and Lyndhurst Orchestra

Gladiator [B.O.F.]


Not Yet
Not YetHans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard, Gavin Greenaway and The Lyndhurst Orcherstra

Gladiator [B.O.F.]


Now We Are Free
Now We Are Free 

(Elysian Remix)

Hans Zimmer, Bruce Fowler, Ladd McIntosh, Walt Fowler, Lisa Gerrard, Yvonne S. Moriarty, Jack Smalley, Elizabeth Finch, Gavin Greenaway and Lyndhurst Orchestra

Now We Are Free
Now We Are FreeHans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard, Gavin Greenaway and Lyndhurst Orchestra

Gladiator [B.O.F.]

Now We Are Free
Now We Are FreeLeBlanc, Lisa Gerrard, Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt and Sébastien Chariot

Now We Are Free


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