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Lola Flores

Film score
Stage & Screen
Music Hall
Singer, dancer and actress Lola Flores has been a living symbol of Spanish culture for some fifty years. Nicknamed La Pharaonne (The Pharaoh) because of her gypsy origins and her undisputed reign over flamenco, Lola Flores blends authenticity and popularization, giving flamenco a strong variety flavour. It was through her films that she unveiled her greatest hits, such as "Ay Pena, penita, pena", "La Zarzamora", "A tu vera" and "Torbellino de colores ". Unaffected by the changes in her popularity, Lola Flores appeared in numerous TV series and ended her career in the nineties as ...
El Lerele
El LereleLola Flores

Exitos Vol.1


A Tu Vera
A Tu VeraLola Flores

Y ahora Lola un regalo a mi madre


A Tu Vera
A Tu VeraReinas De La Cancion and Lola Flores

Exitos Vol.1


A Tu Vera
A Tu VeraLolita and Lola Flores

Inimitable Lola Flores


Te Llamo a Gritos
Te Llamo a GritosLola Flores and Rosario

De Ley


La Zarzamora
La ZarzamoraLola Flores

Las Coplas De Ellas


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