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Lonnie Brooks

Early R&B
Soul music
Born in Louisiana, Lee Baker Jr. got his love of the blues from his grandfather, a banjo player. It wasn't, however, until he was in his twenties and moved from Louisiana to Port Arthur, Texas in the early 1950s and was inspired by seeing BB King, T-Bone Walker and Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown, that he took up music professionally. He got a job playing guitar in the zydeco band of another Louisiana musician Clifton Chenier and started playing solo gigs using the name Guitar Jr., having a small hit with the track 'Family Rules'. Moving to Chicago, he adopted the stage name Lonnie...
Cheaper to Keep Her
Cheaper to Keep HerJunior Wells, Lonnie Brooks, Dan Aykroyd and Blues Brothers Band

Blues Brothers 2000 [B.O.F.]


Mother Nature
Mother NatureLonnie Brooks

Turn on the Night


Jealous Man
Jealous ManLonnie Brooks

Wound Up Tight


Sweet Home Chicago
Sweet Home ChicagoLonnie Brooks

Sweet Home Chicago


All My Money Back
All My Money BackThe Blues Brothers, Lonnie Brooks and Blues Brothers Band

Live From Chicago's House of Blues


Before You Go
Before You GoLonnie Brooks

Roadhouse Rules


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