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Los Chunguitos

Traditional music
World music
Flamenco music
Los Chunguitos is a renowned Spanish rumba flamenca group that has been captivating audiences with their unique blend of flamenco and pop music since their formation in 1973. Hailing from Vallecas, a neighborhood in Madrid, the group originally consisted of brothers Enrique, Juan, and Cristóbal Salazar, all part of a long lineage of flamenco musicians that included Porrina de Badajoz, Azúcar Moreno, and Alazán. Throughout their celebrated career, Los Chunguitos have released numerous albums and singles, earning critical acclaim and widespread recognition in their native country. ...
Dame Veneno
Dame VenenoLos Chunguitos

Cara a Cara


Dame Veneno
Dame VenenoLos Chunguitos

Vive a Tu Manera

Cuando La Veo Pasar
Cuando La Veo PasarLos Chunguitos


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