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Los Gatos

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Blues rock
Considered by many as the founding fathers of rock in Argentina, Los Gatos were one of the first Argentine rock bands to write their own material, which was entirely sung in Spanish. The group was born from the ashes of Los Gatos Salvajes, another seminal rock’n’roll band whose lineup included singer Litto Nebbia, keyboardist Ciro Fogliatta, and bassist Alfredo Toth. After Los Gatos Salvajes’ demise in 1966, Nebbia, Fogliatta, and Toth teamed up with guitarist Kay Galifi and drummer Oscar Moroto form Los Gatos, making their debut with the 1967 single “La Balsa.” Co-written by Neb...
La Balsa
La BalsaLos Gatos

Los Gatos


Cancion Club Deportivo Olimpia
Cancion Club Deportivo Olimpia 


Los Gatos

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