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Los Lobos

Rock music
Country rock
Country music
One of the most successful and most enduring Latino bands, Los Lobos found unexpected mainstream fame in the late 1980s when their upbeat dance version of the old classic “La Bamba” featured in a movie of the same name; a biopic of the Mexican roots rocker Ritchie Valens, who died in 1959. Formed in LA in 1974 by a group of friends of Mexican origin and fronted by singer and multi-instrumentationalist David Hidalgo, they mixed rock'n'roll with Cajun zydeco dance music. Their self-financed debut album, 1978’s Just Another Band from East L.A., impressed enough people to lead to rav...
Kiko and the Lavender Moon
Kiko and the Lavender MoonLos Lobos



Be Still
Be StillLos Lobos

The Neighborhood


One Time One Night
One Time One NightLos Lobos

By the Light of the Moon


La Bamba
La BambaLos Lobos

La Bamba


La Bamba
La BambaLos Lobos

Papa's Dream

Cumbia Raza
Cumbia RazaLos Lobos

This Time


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