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Los Umbrellos

Pop music
Latin pop music
Pop rap
A Danish Latin pop band, Los Umbrellos had a brief career, symbolized by the international hit "No Tengo Dinero". Behind the trio, featuring rapper Al Agami and former models-turned-singers Mai Britt Vingsøe and Grith Højfeldt, is the project's initiator, DJ and producer Kenneth Bager, already renowned for the album Music for Dreams (1994), with contributions from Peter Gabriel and Michael Nyman. The first single, "No Tengo Dinero", released in 1997 and inspired by the theme from the film Jamais le dimanche, proved a success, climbing to No. 2 in the Danish sales chart, before cl...
No Tengo Dinero
No Tengo DineroLos Umbrellos

50 Stærke Danske Club Hits Vol. 1

No Tengo Dinero
No Tengo Dinero 

C & J Mix

Los Umbrellos

Flamenco Funk


DriveLos Umbrellos

Flamenco Funk


No Tengo Dinero
No Tengo DineroMe & My and Los Umbrellos

Flamenco Funk


No Tengo Dinero
No Tengo DineroLos Umbrellos

Flamenco Funk


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