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Los Violadores

Rock music
Punk rock
New wave
Considered one of the most successful and influential punk rock bands both in their native Argentina and throughout Latin America, Los Violadores were formed in Buenos Aires in 1981. Born from the ashes of the underground punk band Los Testículos, the group was initially composed of Enrique “Pil Trafa” Chalar on vocals, Gustavo “Stuka” Fossá on guitar, Robert “Polaco” Zelazek on bass, and Sergio Gramática on drums. After cutting their teeth in Buenos Aires’ then-incipient punk circuit, the band dropped their eponymous studio debut in 1983, which included the anti-militarist singl...
Represión (Represion)
Represión (Represion)Los Violadores

Los Violadores


Fuera de Sektor
Fuera de SektorLos Violadores

Fuera de Sektor


Uno-Dos Ultraviolento
Uno-Dos UltraviolentoLos Violadores

Y Ahora Qué Pasa EH?


Estás Muerto
Estás MuertoLos Violadores

Los Violadores


Cambio Violento
Cambio ViolentoLos Violadores

Los Violadores


Solo una Agresión
Solo una AgresiónLos Violadores

Mercado Indio


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