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Loudon Wainwright III

Folk music
Folk rock
Renowned for his witty lyricism, eccentric facial expressions and irreverent attitude, Loudon Wainwright III has been one of the most prolific and enduringly popular singer-songwriters of modern times. Long before his children Rufus and Martha Wainwright were becoming stars in their own right, Loudon's fearless and often very funny take on death, drinking, family and his own predilection for unsuitable women, litter a richly entertaining CV which rarely deviated from the one-man/one-guitar/one-songwriter format. The son of a journalist, he grew up in Westchester, New York and ...
Career Moves
Career MovesLoudon Wainwright III

I'm Alright


Come a Long Way
Come a Long WayLoudon Wainwright III

Attempted Mustache


At the End of a Long Lonely Day
At the End of a Long Lonely DayLoudon Wainwright III and John Hiatt

More Love Songs

Older Than My Old Man Now
Older Than My Old Man NowLoudon Wainwright III

Older Than My Old Man Now


Valley Morning
Valley MorningLoudon Wainwright III

Strange Weirdos: Music from and Inspired by the Film Knocked Up [B.O.F.]


Career Moves
Career Moves 

Loudon Wainwright III at the BBC

Loudon Wainwright III

I'm Alright

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