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Louisy Joseph

Soul music
French mainstream pop
French chanson
Born in 1978, Louisy Joseph emancipated herself from the girl band L5 to reveal a distinctly different artistic identity. Her 2008 album La Saison des Amours demonstrates this. On her follow-up Ma Radio (2012), Louisy Joseph continues her exploration of different rhythms, from blues to reggae. The same musical curiosity emerges on the next, Music (2015), featuring JoeyStarr and Nathy, following the singer's collaboration on Danse avec les stars.
Maldòn (Maldon)
Maldòn (Maldon)Lynnsha, Louisy Joseph and Fanny J

Rap Rnb 2014


Maldon (Tropical Family)
Maldon (Tropical Family)Louisy Joseph, Lynnsha and Fanny J

Tropical Family


Les Sunlights des tropiques
Les Sunlights des tropiquesJessy Matador, Medhy Custos, Slaï, Lynnsha, Louisy Joseph and Layanah (Slai)

Tropical Family


Assis Par Terre
Assis Par TerreLouisy Joseph

Assis Par Terre
Assis Par TerreLouisy Joseph

La Saison des Amours


Laisse Aller
Laisse AllerLouisy Joseph

La Saison des Amours


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