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(Lucid Fall)

Pop music
Bossa Nova
World music
Lucid Fall – born Jo Yun-suk on March 18, 1975 in Seoul, South Korea – is a folk and pop singer/songwriter. During the first part of his career, he was focusing on both a music career as well as his schooling. His first taste of musical success came in 1993 when he won the bronze medal award in the 5th Ryu Jae-ha Music Contest. He then formed Misoni, a modern rock band, in 1997. The band released their debut album, Drifting, in 1999, the same year Yun-suk graduated with a chemical engineering major from Seoul National University. Due to the band members’ military service, Misoni ...
다음 겨울에도 여기서 만나 Hello Antenna, Hello Christmas (Hello Antenna, Hello Christmas)
다음 겨울에도 여기서 만나 Hello Antenna, Hello Christmas (Hello Antenna, Hello Christmas)유희열, 권진아, 이진아, 정승환, 페퍼톤스(PEPPERTONES), 샘김, 적재, 유재석, 윤석철, 서동환, 정재형, 루시드폴, 박새별 and 미주(MIJOO) (You Hee Yeol, Kwon Jin Ah, Lee Jin Ah, Jung Seung Hwan, PEPPERTONES, Sam Kim, Jukjae, Yoo Jae Seok, Yun Seokchul, Seo Dong Hwan, Jung Jae Hyung, Lucid Fall, Park Sae Byul and Lee Mi Joo)

2021 Antenna Christmas Carol


봄눈 (Bom Nun)
봄눈 (Bom Nun) 

OST Ver.

루시드폴 (Lucid Fall)

Les Miserables


Everything Is OK
Everything Is OK 

With Antenna Ver.

페퍼톤스(PEPPERTONES), 권진아, 이진아, 정승환, 샘김, 토이, 윤석철, 정재형, 루시드폴, 박새별 and CHAI(이수정) (PEPPERTONES, Kwon Jin Ah, Lee Jin Ah, Jung Seung Hwan, Sam Kim, TOY, Yun Seokchul, Jung Jae Hyung, Lucid Fall, Park Sae Byul and CHAI)


사피엔스 Sapiens (Sapiens)
사피엔스 Sapiens (Sapiens)루시드폴 (Lucid Fall)


겨울의 우리들 Our Christmas Wish For You (Our Christmas Wish For You)
겨울의 우리들 Our Christmas Wish For You (Our Christmas Wish For You)토이, 권진아, 이진아, 정승환, 페퍼톤스(PEPPERTONES), 샘김, 적재, 윤석철, 서동환, 정재형, 루시드폴, 박새별 and CHAI(이수정) (TOY, Kwon Jin Ah, Lee Jin Ah, Jung Seung Hwan, PEPPERTONES, Sam Kim, Jukjae, Yun Seokchul, Seo Dong Hwan, Jung Jae Hyung, Lucid Fall, Park Sae Byul and CHAI)


Mackerel루시드폴 (Lucid Fall)

Les Miserables


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