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Luisito Ayala y La Puerto Rican Power

World music
Puerto Rican Power, a renowned salsa orchestra founded in 1969 by bassist Jesús "Chuy" Castro, quickly became a significant force in Puerto Rican music. Initially supported by the Gema label, the group made their debut with the 1971 album featuring the song "Cero Novela" and arrangements by Máximo Torres and Jorge Millet. After Castro left in 1973 to pursue medicine, trumpet player Luis “Luisito” Ayala took over as director, leading the orchestra to new heights. Under Luisito Ayala's leadership, Puerto Rican Power worked with the Fania All-Stars, accompanying salsa legends like C...
Tu Cariñito (Tu Carinito)
Tu Cariñito (Tu Carinito)Luisito Ayala y La Puerto Rican Power

Men In Salsa


Yo No Soy Un Papi
Yo No Soy Un PapiLuisito Ayala y La Puerto Rican Power


Cali Pachanguero
Cali PachangueroLuisito Ayala y La Puerto Rican Power


Vamos a Pasarla Bien
Vamos a Pasarla BienLuisito Ayala y La Puerto Rican Power

Y te lo dice…


Ya Me Cure
Ya Me CureLuisito Ayala y La Puerto Rican Power

Y te lo dice…


Pena de Amor
Pena de AmorPuerto Rican Power Orchestra and Luisito Ayala y La Puerto Rican Power

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