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Martin Tingvall

Contemporary jazz
Minimal music
Martin Tingvall is a Swedish composer and jazz pianist who was born in Tomelilla, Skåne in 1974. After completing his high school education, he studied music and composition at the Malmö School of Music where he was mentored by Bobo Stenson, the acclaimed Swedish jazz pianist and founder of the Bobo Stenson Trio. After graduating from music college in 1999 Tingvall relocated to Germany where he based himself in Hamburg and began to collaborate with artists such as the rock musician Udo Lindenburg, the composer Gunter Gabriel and pop singer Mandy Capisto. Working with su...
Bald, bald, bald
Bald, bald, baldRolf Zuckowski und seine Freunde and Martin Tingvall



Das Christkind ist geboren
Das Christkind ist geborenRolf Zuckowski, Julia Ginsbach and Martin Tingvall

Wir Warten Auf Weihnachten


Das Leben
Das Leben 

MTV Unplugged

Udo Lindenberg and Martin Tingvall

MTV Unplugged - Live Aus Dem Hotel Atlantic


In der Weihnachtsbäckerei (In der Weihnachtsbaeckerei)
In der Weihnachtsbäckerei (In der Weihnachtsbaeckerei)Martin Tingvall and Rolf Zuckowski

Wär uns der Himmel Immer So Nah

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