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Mary MacGregor

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Soft rock
Going straight from college into the music business, Mary MacGgregor toured the States in the early 1970s performing with various artists. During this period she made the acquaintance of Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary fame joining his solo act on tour and making a debut recording appearance on Yarrow's album Love Songs. Shortly afterwards she signed to Arista Records and recorded the album Torn Between Two Lovers featuring four songs penned by Yarrow. The title track, by Yarrow in conjunction with Phil Jarrell, was released in late 1976 and by February the following year th...
Torn Between Two Lovers
Torn Between Two LoversMary MacGregor


Torn Between Two Lovers
Torn Between Two LoversMary MacGregor

Torn Between Two Lovers

I've Never Been to Me
I've Never Been to MeMary MacGregor

In Your Eyes

Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight
Don't Let Me Be Lonely TonightMary MacGregor

In Your Eyes

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