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Max Kaminsky's Orchesta

Here in My Arms
Here in My Arms 

DeArest Enemy

Richard Fawkes, Lee Wiley and Max Kaminsky's Orchesta


Here in My Arms
Here in My ArmsLee Wiley and Max Kaminsky's Orchesta

S' Wonderful


How Long Has This Been Going On?
How Long Has This Been Going On?Lee Wiley and Max Kaminsky's Orchesta

The Stars Salute George Gershwin


I've Got a Crush on You
I've Got a Crush on YouLee Wiley, Fats Waller and Max Kaminsky's Orchesta

S' Wonderful


But Not For Me
But Not For Me 

From Girl Crazy

Lee Wiley, Eddie Condon, Bud Freeman, Max Kaminsky, Pee Wee Russell, Fats Waller, Artie Shapiro and Max Kaminsky's Orchesta

The Stars Salute George Gershwin


I've Got a Crush On You
I've Got a Crush On You 

From Strike Up the Band

Lee Wiley, Eddie Condon, Bud Freeman, Max Kaminsky, Pee Wee Russell, Fats Waller, Artie Shapiro and Max Kaminsky's Orchesta

Eddie Condon's Treasury Of Jazz
