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MC Bilal

Gangsta rap
Rap music
German rap
MC Bilal (born July 24, 1994 in Gladbeck) is a singer and rapper from Germany. Born Bilal Khodr, he began rapping at the age of 11. The singer initially made a name for himself on social media, where he published his songs. MC Bilal's debut album Alles Zu Seiner Zeit was released in 2017. The album makes it to number 6 in the German charts. The next album, Herzblut, followed in 2018. The longplayer climbed to number 3 in the German charts. the EP Danke followed in 2019, followed a year later by the mixtape Zeitlose Emotionen. in 2021, MC Bilal releases the songs "100 Bars", "Vorb...
VorbeiMC Bilal


Wenn sich die eine Tür schließt (Wenn sich die eine Tuer schliesst)
Wenn sich die eine Tür schließt (Wenn sich die eine Tuer schliesst)MC Bilal and Pietro Lombardi

Wenn sich die eine Tür schließt


Deine Liebe ist mein Leben
Deine Liebe ist mein LebenMC Bilal



For You
For YouMC Bilal

For You


Bye Bye
Bye ByeMC Bilal

Bye Bye


Blind vor Liebe
Blind vor LiebeMC Bilal and JOLINA


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