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Meghan Patrick

Country music
Contemporary country
Country pop
Canadian country singer Meghan Patrick was born in Bowmanville, Ontario, on March 25, 1987. Starting her musical career as the lead singer of the bluegrass group The Stone Sparrows, Meghan Patrick branched out on her own in 2016, signing for Warner Music Canada and releasing her debut album Grace & Grit. She learned how to play the guitar and banjo as a child and found this helped her in her songwriting. She has written songs both for herself and other artists and was nominated for Songwriter of the Year at the Canadian Country Music Association Awards in 2016 for her song "Bow C...
Spirits and Demons
Spirits and DemonsMichael Ray and Meghan Patrick

Dive Bars & Broken Hearts


Wild As Me
Wild As MeMeghan Patrick

Wild as Me


God and a Good Man
God and a Good ManMeghan Patrick

Golden Child


Whether You Love Me or Not
Whether You Love Me or NotMeghan Patrick

Golden Child


My Left Hand
My Left HandMeghan Patrick


Golden Child
Golden ChildMeghan Patrick

Golden Child


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