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Melina Mercouri

French chanson
Film score
Stage & Screen
A Greek actress and singer best known for her role in Jamais le dimanche (1960), Melina Mercouri went on to become a politician, twice appointed Minister of Culture. Born in Athens on October 18, 1920, to a grandfather who was mayor of the city and a father who was a member of the Greek Parliament, Amalía-María Merkoúri took drama lessons and embarked on a career as a trilingual actress, able to perform roles in Greek, English and French. In 1955, she was chosen by director Michael Cacoyannis to star in the film Stella, which brought her fame, before becoming the muse and wife of...
JE SUIS GRECQUEMelina Mercouri

Je Suis Grecque

Never on Sunday
Never on SundayMelina Mercouri

Never on Sunday


Agapi Pou 'Gines Dikopo Maheri
Agapi Pou 'Gines Dikopo MaheriMelina Mercouri and Papercut

…Μελίνα του Μάνου: Melina Mercouri Sings Manos Hadjidakis


Εγώ είμαι ξένος που περνά (Ο δικαστής) (Ego eimai xenos poy perna (O dikastis))
Εγώ είμαι ξένος που περνά (Ο δικαστής) (Ego eimai xenos poy perna (O dikastis))Melina Mercouri


Μετανάστης (Metanastis)
Μετανάστης (Metanastis)Melina Mercouri

Je Suis Grecque


Pame Mia Volta Sto Feggari
Pame Mia Volta Sto FeggariMelina Mercouri

Never on Sunday


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