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Men I Trust

Pop music
Electro pop
Electronic music
College classmates Jessy Caron and Dragos Chiriac formed the electro-pop band Men I Trust in Montreal, Canada, in 2014. The band's self-titled debut album, Men I Trust, was released independently that same year, pairing the duo's instrumental soundscapes with the vocals of several guest singers. A sophomore album, Headroom, was released in 2015 and also featured multiple guest vocalists. Singer/guitarist Emmanuelle Proulx then joined the band as an official member in early 2016, turning Men I Trust into a trio. Singles like "Humming Man" and "Plain View" introduced this updated i...
Show Me How
Show Me HowMen I Trust

Oncle Jazz


Ring Of Past
Ring Of PastMen I Trust

Ring of Past


I Hope To Be Around
I Hope To Be AroundMen I Trust

Oncle Jazz


Tree Among Shrubs
Tree Among ShrubsMen I Trust

Untourable Album


Norton Commander (All We Need)
Norton Commander (All We Need)Men I Trust

Oncle Jazz


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Billie ToppyMen I Trust

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