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Michael Maxwell

StardustMichael Maxwell and Michael Maxwell & His Orchestra


Sing Sing Sing (With a Swing)
Sing Sing Sing (With a Swing)Michael Maxwell and Michael Maxwell & His Orchestra


Chattanooga Choo Choo
Chattanooga Choo ChooMichael Maxwell and Michael Maxwell & His Orchestra


Punchline (2023 Remastered Version)
Punchline (2023 Remastered Version)Aaron C. Young, Michael Maxwell, Joseph LaBrosse and Jacob Wilford

Uncle Ape (2023 Remastered Version)
Uncle Ape (2023 Remastered Version)Aaron C. Young, Michael Maxwell, Joseph LaBrosse and Jacob Wilford

All over Me (2023 Remastered Version)
All over Me (2023 Remastered Version)Aaron C. Young, Michael Maxwell, Joseph LaBrosse and Bob Wall