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Michael Mayer

Punk rock
Rock music
Electronic music
German DJ, remixer and producer Michael Mayer is best known as the co-founder of the independent Kompakt label. Born on December 11, 1971, he moved to Cologne at the age of twenty and started hosting a radio show, before moving into club DJing. In 1997, together with Reinhardt Voigt and Tobias Thomas, he formed the house trio Forever Sweet, which produced the album Geben & Nehmen for the Landomat 2000 label, before founding the Kompakt label with the former's brother, Wolfgang Voigt, and Jürgen Paape. Kompakt quickly established itself as one of the jewels in the techno and house...
Follow your line - Michael Mayer Dub Mix
Follow your line - Michael Mayer Dub MixHeiko Voss and Michael Mayer

3 Remixe fur Heiko Voss


Run into Flowers
Run into Flowers 

Jackson Remix

Michael Mayer and M83


Liedjie: Ons Gaan See Toe
Liedjie: Ons Gaan See ToeErika Strydom, Michael Mayer, Graeme Sacks, Elma Potgieter and Mariette Engelen


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