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Miguel Ángel González

A Place to Dream (Falling Down)
A Place to Dream (Falling Down)Luis Villa, Stevie Blacke, David Spencer, Kamari, Rodrigo Tavares, Dylan Wissing, Isaac Wriston, Sofia Grácio, Miguel Ángel González, Gergo Bille, Kevin Genuine, Estela Estrada, The Epoch House and Jack Siegel


Learn to Say No
Learn to Say NoLuis Villa, Isaac Wriston, Sofia Grácio, Karlos Rotsen and Miguel Ángel González


Would You Sell It for a Dollar?
Would You Sell It for a Dollar?Luis Villa, Stevie Blacke, Luis Canción and Miguel Ángel González


Girl, You Caught Me, Though!
Girl, You Caught Me, Though!Luis Villa, Rodrigo Tavares, Courtney Bennett, Isaac Wriston, Miguel Ángel González, Jeff Shum and Martin Cappi


So Tight
So TightKarlos Rotsen, Luis Villa, Jorge Guedes, Miguel Ángel González and Tiago Romba


Tell Me How You Feel
Tell Me How You FeelLuis Villa, NathalieQ, Miguel Ángel González and Ryan Svendsen
