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Rock music
Experimental rock
New wave
Formed in the mid-1970s, The Minutemen are seen as one of the most influential punk bands of all-time, pioneering the genre with their eclectic sound incorporating the genre with the likes of free jazz, politically infused lyricism and funk creating an incredibly interesting back catalogue which continues to stand the test of time. Frontman and guitarist D. Boon and bassist Mike Watt met in high school and began performing covers of '70s rock standards. They discovered punk rock upon graduating and forming their first band, The Reactionaries, in 1980, alongside drummer Frank...

Double Nickels on the Dime


Little Man With A Gun In His Hand
Little Man With A Gun In His HandMinutemen

Buzz or Howl Under the Influence Of Heat

The Glory of Man
The Glory of ManMinutemen

Double Nickels on the Dime

The Anchor
The AnchorMinutemen

Post-Mersh, Vol. 1


The World According to Nouns
The World According to NounsMinutemen

Double Nickels on the Dime


King Of The Hill
King Of The HillMinutemen

Project: Mersh

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