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Modern English

Rock music
New wave
Pop rock
Best known for the 1980s pop classic "I Melt with You," Modern English is a new wave band that formed in Colchester, England. Vocalist Robbie Grey, guitarist Gary McDowell, and bassist Michael Conroy formed the group in 1979 under a different name, The Lepers, then embraced the Modern English moniker after adding drummer Richard Brown and keyboardist Stephen Walker to the lineup in 1981. Mesh & Lace, the band's debut album, was released that same year, followed by After the Snow in 1982. The latter record went gold in the US, where the single "I Melt with You" reached Number 7 on...
I Melt with You
I Melt with YouModern English

After the Snow

I Melt with You
I Melt with You 


Modern English

After the Snow


Someone's Calling
Someone's CallingModern English

After the Snow


Life's Rich Tapestry
Life's Rich TapestryModern English

Pillow Lips


Hands Across the Sea
Hands Across the SeaModern English

Ricochet Days


Beautiful People
Beautiful PeopleModern English

Pillow Lips


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