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Napalm Death

Punk rock
Rock music
Heavy metal music
Creating some of the most ferocious, abrasive, thundering sounds ever heard, West Midlands band Napalm Death re-interpreted heavy metal in the late 1980s, turning it into a hardcore, a-tonal eruption of noise known as grindcore. Inspired by the classic hard rock acts Black Sabbath and Motörhead and the anarcho-experimental punk of Crass and Throbbing Gristle, the band really took off when, championed by Radio 1 DJ John Peel, debut album Scum (1987) went on to become a landmark of the underground metal scene. Their 1.3 second track "You Suffer" was listed in the Guinness Book of W...
Suffer the Children
Suffer the ChildrenNapalm Death

Harmony Corruption


Plague Rages
Plague RagesNapalm Death

Fear, Emptiness, Despair


Unchallenged Hate
Unchallenged HateNapalm Death

From Enslavement to Obliteration


Twist The Knife (Slowly)
Twist The Knife (Slowly)Napalm Death

Fear, Emptiness, Despair


Breed to Breathe
Breed to BreatheNapalm Death

Noise For Music's Sake


If the Truth Be Known
If the Truth Be KnownNapalm Death

Harmony Corruption


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