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Natanzinho Lima

World music
Brazilian music
Forró music
Natanzinho Lima, a celebrated forró artist from Ceará, Brazil, has captivated fans with his talent and charisma, becoming a prominent figure in the genre. Deeply influenced by traditional northeastern rhythms like forró and piseiro, Natanzinho Lima began his musical journey performing at local events, quickly gaining recognition. His breakthrough came in 2024 with hits like "Uma e Quinze da Manhã" and the chart-topping "Bipolar," a collaboration with Wesley Safadão, which showcased his ability to blend modern forró with contemporary piseiro sounds. With a growing presence on digi...
Pilantra e Meio
Pilantra e MeioEric Land and Natanzinho Lima

Pilantra e Meio


Mentira Estampada na Cara
Mentira Estampada na CaraNatanzinho Lima

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Minha condição
Minha condiçãoJameson Carvalho de Oliveira and Natanzinho Lima


RejeitaWesley Safadão and Natanzinho Lima (Wesley Safadao)



Tá Com Medo De Amar (Ta Com Medo De Ama)
Tá Com Medo De Amar (Ta Com Medo De Ama)Natanzinho Lima

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As Lembranças Vão Na Mala (As Lembrancas Vao Na Mala)
As Lembranças Vão Na Mala (As Lembrancas Vao Na Mala)Natanzinho Lima

De Bar em Bar 5.0


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