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Neil Finn

Rock music
New wave
Pop rock
Neil Finn was still at boarding school in Te Amawutu on New Zealand's North Island when he first started playing gigs in prisons, hospitals and parties. Leaving school, he formed the band After Hours before moving to London to link up with elder brother Tim Finn in the successful alternative rock band Split Enz, eventually taking over as lead vocalist and writing much of the material. When they split in 1984, heformed a new band The Mullanes, who re-named themselves Crowded House before releasing their self-titled debut album in 1986. Their sensitive, neatly crafted, Beatles-flav...
Song of the Lonely Mountain
Song of the Lonely MountainHoward Shore and Neil Finn

Le Hobbit : Un Voyage Inattendu [B.O.F.]


She Belongs to Me
She Belongs to Me 

Previously Unreleased Track

Neil Finn and Pajama Club


Down on the Corner
Down on the CornerNeil Finn

7 Worlds Collide


Twisty Bass
Twisty BassNeil Finn

Try Whistling This


Last One Standing
Last One StandingNeil Finn

Try Whistling This

Fall at Your Feet
Fall at Your FeetIndia Hooi, Neil Finn, Hugo Selles and Javeta López


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