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Nicole Tibbels

The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring
The Flowers That Bloom in the SpringJohn Scott, Sonoton Film Orchestra, Mark Wilde, Marcia Crayford and Nicole Tibbels

The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze
The Sun Whose Rays Are All AblazeJohn Scott, Sonoton Film Orchestra, Marcia Crayford and Nicole Tibbels

Love's Old Sweet Song
Love's Old Sweet SongDavid Arch and Nicole Tibbels

Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life (Dream Melody of Naughty Marietta)
Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life (Dream Melody of Naughty Marietta)David Arch and Nicole Tibbels

I Dreamt That I Dwelt in Marble Halls
I Dreamt That I Dwelt in Marble HallsDavid Arch and Nicole Tibbels

Poor Little Buttercup
Poor Little ButtercupJohn Scott, Sonoton Film Orchestra, Marcia Crayford and Nicole Tibbels