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Buster Sword Cypher
Buster Sword CypherSwats, Mega Ran, None Like Joshua, Omega Sparx, Prowess the Testament, DA-Wolf, FrivolousShara, Ninethie, Gr3ys0n, Cutright and NemRaps

Mayhem  (Venom & Carnage Rap)
Mayhem (Venom & Carnage Rap)AfroLegacy and Ninethie

Planetary  (Broly Rap)
Planetary (Broly Rap)AfroLegacy and Ninethie

SleepNinethie and AfroLegacy

Breathing Style  (Demon Slayer Trio Rap)
Breathing Style (Demon Slayer Trio Rap)AfroLegacy, Jeff Hopland and Ninethie