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North Point InsideOut

Pop music
Originally founded in Alpharetta, Georgia in 2012, North Point InsideOut – later known as North Point Worship – is a Christian worship group formed at North Point Community Church. The group’s debut album, No One Higher (2012), was an immediate hit, climbing to Number 20 on the Billboard Christian Albums chart and Number 19 on the Heatseekers chart. Their second album, Hear, was released in 2015 and climbed to Number 2 on the Christian Albums chart. Hear also made an appearance on the Billboard 200 Albums chart, reaching Number 193. North Point InsideOut signed with Centricity Mu...
Death Was Arrested
Death Was ArrestedNorth Point InsideOut and Seth Condrey


Every Beat
Every BeatNorth Point InsideOut and Seth Condrey

Every Beat
Every BeatNorth Point InsideOut and Seth Condrey


He Has Come for Us (God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)
He Has Come for Us (God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)North Point InsideOut

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