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Nubya Garcia

Contemporary jazz
Electro jazz
The daughter of a Trinidadian and Tobagonian film director and a Guyanese mother, Nubya Garcia was born in London in 1991. After studying violin and viola at the London Symphony Orchestra School, the young musician began learning the saxophone at the age of 10 and followed specialist training at the Royal Academy of Music, then at the Berklee College of Music summer school in Boston. Graduating from Trinity College London in 2016, she began her career as a leader the following year with the album Nubya's 5ive, released by the Jazz re:freshed label and followed by festival perform...
EtceteraSteam Down, Afronaut Zu and Nubya Garcia


Wrong For It
Wrong For ItObongjayar and Nubya Garcia

Some Nights I Dream of Doors


Run Up
Run UpSwindle, Knucks, Kiko Bun, Nubya Garcia and Eva Lazarus

No More Normal

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