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O Teatro Mágico

(O Teatro Magico)

Folk music
Pop rock
Rock music
O Teatro Mágico is a band from Brazil, originating in Osasco, São Paulo State. The group was founded by singer Fernando Anitelli in 2003, and boasts a large line-up of musicians and circus performers, with Anitelli being the group’s main creative force. O Teatro Mágico is known for the theatricality of their live shows, their musical eclecticness and their radical and innovative approach to album releases (making all their music available for free download on their website, long before the age of streaming platforms). The group’s live shows incorporate elements of other performan...
Anti - Herói (Anti - Heroi)
Anti - Herói (Anti - Heroi)O Teatro Mágico (O Teatro Magico)


PartilhaFernando Anitelli, Roberta Campos and O Teatro Mágico (O Teatro Magico)


Pra Ser Nós Dois (Pra Ser Nos Dois)
Pra Ser Nós Dois (Pra Ser Nos Dois)Gabriel Elias and O Teatro Mágico (O Teatro Magico)


CamalearPedro Salomão and O Teatro Mágico (Pedro Salomao and O Teatro Magico)


Ana E O Mar
Ana E O MarO Teatro Mágico (O Teatro Magico)


Sonho de Uma Flauta
Sonho de Uma FlautaO Teatro Mágico (O Teatro Magico)

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