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Orange Juice

Rock music
Punk rock
New wave
Glasgow band Orange Juice may have had only one proper hit - Rip It Up in 1983 - but they were a primary influence on the post-punk period of British rock known as "neo-pop" and are still regarded with great affection in Scottish musical circles. Their main creative force and front man Edwyn Collins originally formed Orange Juice in 1979 from his previous band Nu-Sonics, which also included guitarist James Kirk and drummer Steven Daly. They released their first singles in 1981 on Alan Horne's independent label Postcard Records - also home to Josef K and Aztec Camera - before join...
Tender Object
Tender ObjectOrange Juice

You Can't Hide Your Love Forever


In a Nutshell
In a NutshellOrange Juice

You Can't Hide Your Love Forever

Satellite City
Satellite CityOrange Juice

You Can't Hide Your Love Forever


HokoyoOrange Juice

Rip It Up

Perfect Skin
Perfect SkinOrange Juice and Lloyd Cole and the Commotions



I Guess I'm Just a Little Too Sensitive
I Guess I'm Just a Little Too SensitiveOrange Juice

The Orange Juice


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