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Ottmar Liebert

World music
Bossa Nova
Based in New Mexico, German guitarist Ottmar Liebert (February 1, 1959) has won international acclaim for a musical style that blends Spanish, Mexican, and world music elements in vigorous melodies with a touch of sorrow that has made him well received with new age audiences. Out of 33 recordings, he has had 21 releases on Billboard's New Age Albums Chart with 21 in the Top 20 and four that went to Number 1. With his band Luna Negra and on his own he has performed more than two thousand concerts around the world. The recording that launched his international career, Nouveau Flame...
Ten Piedad de Mi (Mercy Mercy Me)
Ten Piedad de Mi (Mercy Mercy Me)Ottmar Liebert

The Hours Between Night + Day


In the Arms of Love
In the Arms of LoveOttmar Liebert

In the Arms of Love: Lullabies 4 Children + Adults


Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)
Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 

Album Version

Ministry Offer, Ottmar Liebert and Luna Negra


The Little Drummer Boy/Luna Negra Beat
The Little Drummer Boy/Luna Negra BeatOttmar Liebert

Poets & Angels


El Tamborilero
El TamborileroOttmar Liebert


The Girl from Ipanema
The Girl from IpanemaOttmar Liebert, Luna Negra and Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra

Little Wing


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