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Owen Rees

Classical music
Ancient music
Born in 1964, organist and choral conductor Owen Rees studied and performed at St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, on a scholarship with Professors Peter le Huray and Iain Fenlon, until his doctorate in 1991. Concurrently lecturer at St. Peter's College and St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, he took up the same post at the University of Surrey in 1996, then taught at Oxford University from 1997, where he was also organist and choirmaster at Queen's College and research fellow at Somerville College. In 1986, in the service of Renaissance music, he founded the Cambridge Taverner Choir with...
Lo, how a Rose e er blooming
Lo, how a Rose e er bloomingChoir of The Queen's College, Oxford and Owen Rees

A Ceremony of Carols


A Ceremony of Carols: XI. Recession
A Ceremony of Carols: XI. RecessionChoir of The Queen's College, Oxford and Owen Rees

A Ceremony of Carols


A Ceremony of Carols: VIII. In freezing winter night
A Ceremony of Carols: VIII. In freezing winter nightChoir of The Queen's College, Oxford, Lucy Wakeford and Owen Rees

A Ceremony of Carols


Resonet in laudibus
Resonet in laudibusChoir of The Queen's College, Oxford, Laurence John and Owen Rees

A Ceremony of Carols


A Ceremony of Carols: IX. Spring Carol
A Ceremony of Carols: IX. Spring CarolChoir of The Queen's College, Oxford, Lucy Wakeford and Owen Rees

A Ceremony of Carols


A Ceremony of Carols: V. As dew in Aprille
A Ceremony of Carols: V. As dew in AprilleChoir of The Queen's College, Oxford, Lucy Wakeford and Owen Rees

A Ceremony of Carols


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