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Patrick Cornell

Circles (Acoustic)
Circles (Acoustic)Patrick Cornell

Your Heart Is Still My Address
Your Heart Is Still My AddressSalemtown, Sam Hunter, Hunter Heflin, Patrick Cornell, Chris Gehringer, Robbie Artress, Alex Solin, Ellen Angelico, Patrick O'Donnell Cornell and Blane Mitchell


Stay With Me
Stay With MePatrick Cornell and Alexis Gomez

Not with M.E.
Not with M.E.Salemtown, Sam Hunter, Hunter Heflin, Patrick Cornell, Chris Gehringer, Robbie Artress, Ellen Angelico, Patrick O'Donnell Cornell and Jesse Barent


Silly Me
Silly MeSalemtown, Hunter Heflin, Patrick Cornell, Shaun Richardson, Robbie Artress, Carson Mac, Alex Solin, Ellen Angelico and Patrick O'Donnell Cornell
