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Patrick Verbeke

Blues rock
French Blues
Patrick Verbeke was a tireless champion of French-language blues music for more than four decades, earning the nickname "Mister Blues" for his work as a guitarist, radio DJ, sideman, lecturer, and solo artist. He was born April 13, 1949 in Caen, France, and joined his first band, L'Indescriptible Chaos Rampant, as a teenager in 1967. Verbeke's skills as a guitarist landed him a spot in additional groups throughout the following decade, and he spent time in bands like Civilization, Tribu, Magnum, and Bistrock before mounting a solo career during the 1980s. His debut record, Blues ...
Down In Mississippi
Down In MississippiFrancis Cabrel and Patrick Verbeke

Autour Du Blues - Vol. 2


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