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Paula Abdul

Electronic music
Contemporary R&B
Soul music
Famously discovered by members of The Jacksons while performing at a Los Angeles Lakers game, Paula Julie Abdul (born on June 19, 1962 in San Fernando, California, US) is known professionally as Paula Abdul: dancer, popstar and TV personality extraordinaire. Having kicked her career into gear as a cheerleader for the Lakers and later graduating to the position of head choreographer, Paula Abdul won over The Jacksons and was invited to choreograph the video to their single "Torture." She soon came on board as Janet Jackson's go-to choreographer, a role for which she is best known,...
Straight Up
Straight UpPaula Abdul

Forever Your Girl


Rush, Rush
Rush, RushPaula Abdul

Greatest Hits - Straight Up!


Forever Your Girl
Forever Your GirlPaula Abdul

Forever Your Girl


Opposites Attract
Opposites AttractPaula Abdul

Forever Your Girl


Cold Hearted
Cold HeartedPaula Abdul

Forever Your Girl


The Way That You Love Me
The Way That You Love MePaula Abdul

Forever Your Girl


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