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Paula DeAnda

Pop music
Electro pop
Electronic music
American pop star Paula DeAnda was born in San Antonio, Texas, and grew up listening to the likes of Selena. She and her cousins would often perform for other family members at gatherings and before long she was taking piano lessons and performing around her home town. DeAnda's family, seeing her potential, moved to Corpus Christi in order to boost her career. It was there that she came into contact with manager Ed Ocanas and, with his help, recorded her self-penned song 'What Would It Take'. It got local airplay and led to a return to the studio to record a follow-up, 'Doing Too...
Wanna Be with You
Wanna Be with YouPaula DeAnda

Paula DeAnda


EasyBow Wow and Paula DeAnda

Paula DeAnda

Doing Too Much
Doing Too MuchPaula DeAnda and Baby Bash

Paula DeAnda


So Cold
So ColdPaula DeAnda

Paula DeAnda


Footprints on My Heart
Footprints on My HeartPaula DeAnda

Paula DeAnda


Walk Away (Remember Me)
Walk Away (Remember Me)Paula DeAnda and The DEY

Paula DeAnda


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