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Pete Seeger

Folk music
World music
One of the godfathers of modern folk music, Pete Seeger has wielded massive influence over several generations of singers and writers, including Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen, and either wrote or popularised familiar songs like We Shall Overcome, Where Have All The Flowers Gone, If I Had A Hammer and Turn Turn Turn. The son of teacher, folklorist and classical musician Charles Seeger, he took up ukulele and banjo as a child and quickly discovered a gift for communicating with and holding the attention of audiences. Planning a career in journalism he studied at Harvard, but the ...
This Land Is Your Land
This Land Is Your LandPete Seeger

Folkways: A Vision Shared


Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
Michael, Row the Boat AshorePete Seeger

Children's Concert At Town Hall


Solidarity Forever
Solidarity ForeverPete Seeger


John Brown's Body
John Brown's BodyPete Seeger

American Favorite Ballads, Vol. 1


Draft Dodger Rag
Draft Dodger RagPete Seeger

Dangerous Songs!?


Coyote, My Little Brother
Coyote, My Little BrotherPete Seeger

Broadsides - Songs And Ballads

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