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Peter Fok Chi Hong

Naughty 19's Gone Forever
Naughty 19's Gone ForeverPeter Fok Chi Hong, Chit, KK, Haya, Nicola King, Tshun Zi Co, Anson Wong, Cyrus Chan, Davy Lee, Hayleigh Yau, Heiko Mak, Hinsten Fong, Jake Au, Leah Yau, Leona Leung, Lewis Leung, Lina To, Queenie Lo, Skynec Yee Tin Lec and Wing O


Piggie Teammates
Piggie TeammatesPeter Fok Chi Hong, Nicola King, Skynex Yee Tin Lec and Tshun Zi Co


3 World War III
3 World War IIIPeter Fok Chi Hong, Johnny Chow, Nicola King, Reeve Cheung, Skynex Yee Tin Lec, Tshun Zi Co and Wong Ho Yau


When Kung Fu Boy Hangs out with Vampire Girl
When Kung Fu Boy Hangs out with Vampire GirlPeter Fok Chi Hong, Nicola King, Skynex Yee Tin Lec and Tshun Zi Co


VrPeter Fok Chi Hong, Nicola King, Skynex Yee Tin Lec and Tshun Zi Co


I Don’t Deserve to Love Someone Like You
I Don’t Deserve to Love Someone Like YouPeter Fok Chi Hong, Nicola King, Skynex Yee Tin Lec, Tshun Zi Co and Hazel Wong Choi Ching
