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Philipp Kirkorov

Pop music
Rap music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Filipp Kirkorov is one of the biggest and most influential pop stars in the Russian show business. He was born in Varna (Bulgaria) on April 30, 1967, he graduated in 1998 from the Gnessin State Music School in Moscow. Kirkorov’s first major success in Russia came with the song “Атлантида” ("Atlantis") in 1994. The same year he married Alla Pugachova, the brightest female star of the post-Soviet era, who was 18 years older. This event also propelled the population of his album Primadonna (1995) that was dedicated to Pugachova. He represented Russia in the 1995 Eurovision Song Cont...
ДжалмаAygün Kazımova and Philipp Kirkorov (Aygun Kazimova)


Джан Азербайджан
Джан АзербайджанAygün Kazımova and Philipp Kirkorov (Aygun Kazimova)

Я в Нирване


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