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PJ Harvey

Rock music
Folk rock
UK alternative rock
Raised on a rural sheep farm in deepest Dorset, Polly Jean Harvey (aka PJ Harvey) – born on October 9, 1969 - grew up listening to Howlin' Wolf, Jimi Hendrix and Captain Beefheart records before later discovering the Pixies and the US alternative movement. Helped by the championing of Radio 1 DJ John Peel, debut album Dry (1992) introduced her as a raw, uncompromising alt. rock queen, straining with stripped-to-the-bone honesty. The primal growl and bluesy sleaze of the Steve Albini-produced follow-up Rid Of Me (1993) became a number 3 hit in the UK before To Bring You My Love (1...
Who By Fire
Who By Fire 

Leonard Cohen cover

PJ Harvey and Tim Phillips

Bad Sisters


Rid of Me
Rid of MePJ Harvey

Rid of Me


Down by the Water
Down by the WaterPJ Harvey

To Bring You My Love


To Bring You My Love
To Bring You My LovePJ Harvey

To Bring You My Love


This Mess We're In
This Mess We're InPJ Harvey

Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea - Demos


This Is Love
This Is LovePJ Harvey

Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea


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