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Plastic Bertrand

Rock music
Punk rock
New wave
Plastic Bertrand is a Belgian singer best remembered for 1978 British and European hit single 'Ça Plane Pour Moi', a catchy bubblegum song released at the height of the punk rock era. The title refers to a French phrase meaning 'everything's going well for me'. The three-chord song was notable for its nonsense French lyrics and Beach Boys-esque chorus. Memorably, he performed the song on the UK's 'Top of the Pops' while bouncing on a trampoline. In a 2010 court case it was claimed that Bertrand did not sing on the recorded version, and the vocals came from the composer/produce...
Ça plane pour moi (Ca plane pour moi)
Ça plane pour moi (Ca plane pour moi)Plastic Bertrand

An 1


Tout Petit La Planete
Tout Petit La PlanetePlastic Bertrand

J'te Fais un Plan


Ça plane pour moi (Ca plane pour moi)
Ça plane pour moi (Ca plane pour moi)Plastic Bertrand


Don't Stop the World from Turning
Don't Stop the World from TurningLeee John and Plastic Bertrand


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