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Preservation Hall Jazz Band

New Orleans jazz
The Preservation Hall Jazz Band is a highly respected institution within the world of traditional jazz and is one of the best loved and most enduring ensembles ever created to perform Dixieland music. It all began when a Pennsylvania tuba player by the name of Alan Jaffe wandered into the Preservation Hall in the New Orleans French Quarter whilst on honeymoon with his wife. After forging a friendship with the owner the Jaffes were persuaded to stay and manage the hall (which at the time was an art gallery hosting occasional jazz gigs) and a jazz institution was born. The Jaf...
We Shall Overcome
We Shall OvercomePreservation Hall Jazz Band, Pete Seeger and Tao Rodriguez-Seeger

Darling Corey

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue SeaPreservation Hall Jazz Band and Paolo Nutini

An Album to Benefit Preservation Hall & The Preservation Hall Music Outreach Program


Rockin' Chair
Rockin' ChairPreservation Hall Jazz Band and Louis Armstrong

An Album to Benefit Preservation Hall & The Preservation Hall Music Outreach Program


After You've Gone
After You've GonePreservation Hall Jazz Band and Del McCoury

An Album to Benefit Preservation Hall & The Preservation Hall Music Outreach Program


St. James Infirmary
St. James InfirmaryPreservation Hall Jazz Band

Sweet Emma and Her Preservation Hall Jazz Band


Down by the Riverside
Down by the RiversidePreservation Hall Jazz Band

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