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Queens of the Stone Age

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Hard rock
With a revolving cast of motley, gnarled rockers, Josh Homme led Queens of the Stone Age on a pounding stomp through a heavy haze of blues rock and psychedelia. Built around thundering jams and driving riffs, their sound emanates from their spiritual home at the Rancho de la Luna recording studio in Joshua Tree, California, where the dusty heat of the desert and the narcotic air of punk blends into meaty rock & roll. Formed by Homme after the demise of his former band Kyuss, early albums 'Queens of the Stone Age' (1998) and 'Rated R' (2000) quickly earned the tag "stoner roc...
Head Like a Haunted House
Head Like a Haunted HouseQueens of the Stone Age



Gonna Leave You
Gonna Leave YouQueens of the Stone Age

Songs for the Deaf


You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire
You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A MillionaireQueens of the Stone Age

Songs for the Deaf


The Way You Used To Do
The Way You Used To DoQueens of the Stone Age



First It Giveth
First It GivethQueens of the Stone Age

Songs for the Deaf


What the Peephole Say
What the Peephole SayQueens of the Stone Age

In Times New Roman...


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